Heaven & Hell 4” x 48”

Pen & Marker on Paper, 2021

“Heaven and Hell” is a dual-sided narrative landscape that takes you on an endless journey through the Eternal Voyage. This unique piece of art is drawn on both sides of a single sheet of paper, folding seamlessly into a Möbius strip—an infinite loop where Heaven and Hell coexist in a never-ending cycle. On one side, immerse yourself in the serene and ethereal landscapes of paradise, complete with cascading waterfalls and vibrant flora. Flip it over to experience the fiery depths of the underworld, filled with dramatic scenes of infernal landscapes.

Measuring 4”x48” in length, and about 8”x8”x12” as a 3D object, this intricate and mesmerizing artwork invites you to explore the duality of existence in a truly unique format. Perfect for art lovers who appreciate depth, complexity, and a touch of the extraordinary :)

(prints in production!)